Raising Literacy Australia (RLA) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to enriching children’s lives through literacy. We promote and help to develop early childhood literacy right across Australia.

We support families to read, talk, play, and sing with their children from birth through universal and targeted programs. We do this by providing books and resources to nurture the development of young children and provide information for parents to encourage rich home learning environments.

In 2020, RLA celebrated its 15th birthday. Over this time, we have established picture book libraries in vulnerable communities, created new picture books for our free Reading Pack program, and gifted over two million books to South Australian families.

By purchasing books through our publishing arm – Little Book Press and through your generous donations, we can continue developing early childhood literacy across Australia.

We aim to nurture children’s literacy development and help to establish a love of books.

Our vision

Enriching children’s lives through every day literacy practices.

Our mission

Our programs support families to improve engagement between an adult and child right from the start using every day reading, talking, singing and playing.

Our approach

Advocacy: To raise awareness of the crucial importance of literacy and the role it plays in children’s everyday lives.

Partnerships: To work and collaborate with governments, like-minded organisations and the early childhood sector.

Professional Learning: To provide learning opportunities to services, individuals and organisations to support best literacy practices.

Knowledge: Continue developing and providing projects and programs that nurture families in developing a rich home learning environment. Also, to give access to quality children’s picture books and resources.