We need your help to do more.

Did you know 90% of a child’s brain is developed by the age of 5.

When babies and toddlers hear words and language from caring adults, their brains develop the important connections needed to learn how to read. Studies show that children whose parents and caregivers regularly talk and read with them develop larger vocabularies, become better readers and do better in school. That’s because the first few years of a child’s life are when the brain grows and develops the most, and a child’s experiences in these early years affect how their brain develops.

Language and early literacy developments starts from the very beginning. Babies are listening in utero, and once they’re born, they’re communicating through eye contact, facial expressions, crying, smiles and touch. When adults respond with words, conversation and attention, it helps build the child’s brain in ways that promote healthy development and learning.

Research tells us, that children with poor literacy are likely to face a future of greatly reduced employment opportunities, a lower standard of living, poorer physical and mental health, and greater behavioural problems.

These outcomes can be avoided if we intervene early.  You can change the lives of our youngest children and give them every opportunity to develop their literacy by making a tax-free donation.


Leave a Bequest

Raising Literacy Australia is committed to a future where young children are read to every day and given the best possible chance to realise their full potential.

No matter how great or small, a bequest will support the next generation of children in their path to social inclusion and lifelong learning. It also ensures Raising Literacy Australia’s ongoing capacity to run early literacy programs in the community.

If you are thinking about leaving a bequest, it is important to talk about it with your family and seek some legal advice from your lawyer/solicitor. To find out more, please download a copy of our Bequest Program brochure or contact Elizabeth Davis for a confidential discussion on (08) 8331 3095.

Make literacy your legacy.