With grant support from the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation, Little Book Press is thrilled to relaunch its Mentorship Program.

The Little Book Press Mentorship Program is designed to provide unpublished South Australian creatives with the opportunity to launch their career in children’s publishing by being mentored by an experienced, published author or illustrator.

The successful mentees – both an author and illustrator – will receive a publishing contract with LBP and will work closely with LBP staff and their mentor over the course of approximately 12 months to produce a picture book suitable for a baby, toddler or preschool audience.


The program is open to South Australian unpublished writers and artists. If you are a self-published writer or artist or have had poems or short stories published in magazines, anthologies or online, you are still eligible. You are only considered ineligible if you have had a book published by a trade publishing house. This includes all non-fiction and fiction for both adults and children.

Applications close Monday, 17 February.


  1. Please email your manuscript to submissions@littlebookpress.com.au.
  2. Include ‘LBP Mentorship Program’ in your subject line, as well as the title of your manuscript.
  3. In the body of your email, please include a short bio, your contact details and links to any social media or websites.
  4. Please save your manuscript as a word document or pdf.
  5. Your manuscript should be no longer than 500 words.
  6. We can only accept one manuscript per person.


  1. Please email a pdf of your portfolio to submissions@littlebookpress.com.au.
  2. Please enter ‘LBP Mentorship Program’ in your subject line, as well as your name.
  3. In the body of your email, please include a short bio, your contact details and links to any social media or websites.