This program guides families and early childhood practitioners to choose high quality age appropriate books to share with young children.  Every month with the support of Australian publishing houses our Team selects 3 picture books: baby, toddler and preschooler.

The books are chosen to build early literacy through shared reading and include features such as new themes, rare words, role modelling, vocabulary, rhythm and rhyme.

As an integral part of this program we pair a free Activity Time and Learning Time with each book. This encourages, guides and role-models how an adult and child can engage and extend the book with play.

Our early childhood specialists develop free resources to match each title, including Activity Time perfect for use at home with a parent and child and Learning Time written in the form of a lesson plan and great to use in library, childcare and educational settings.

Parents and the early childhood sector are encouraged to seek out these books and borrow or buy them for their home or community shared library.